10 August 2023 - Germany has decided to halt four infrastructure projects in the Republic of Srpska, worth a total of EUR 105 million
20 July 2023 - Through its umbrella firm Zagreb Holding, Croatia's capital issued the first green municipal bonds in Central and Eastern Europe
18 July 2023 - Tilos in Greece has become the world’s first island with a zero waste certificate. As...
04 July 2023 - The EU's action plans and financial support have had little impact on member states' circular economy transition
29 June 2023 - WISE Serbia, the network of women in sustainable energy, has announced a call for new members under the slogan #BeWise, encouraging all interested women - professionals and students alike - to apply and join in
27 June 2023 - Belgian firm ABEE agreed to invest EUR 1.4 billion in the construction of an electric car battery factory called Romvolt in Galaţi
17 May 2023 - The power utility is planning a pilot project for burning up to 1,200 tons of waste per day together with coal in the Gacko facility
17 April 2023 - A series of both virtual events and gatherings are being held as part of the first-ever Earth Week, culminating on Earth Day, April 22
18 March 2023 - Global Recycling Day is marked on March 18 to highlight the importance of reusing items...
28 February 2023 - The European Environment Agency has warned of the issues caused by exporting discarded textiles including used clothing and footwear
24 February 2023 - The largest quantities of scrap metals were sent to Turkey, plastics were sold mostly to Asian countries while RDF ended predominantly in BiH
13 February 2023 - The waste-to energy facility is one of the most important segments of the public-private partnership for the rehabilitation of the Vinča landfill
24 January 2023 - The EU is looking to ban the export of all waste intended for disposal, as well as plastic waste shipments to non-OECD countries
19 January 2023 - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has launched a tender for the construction of regional sanitary landfill Kalenić
18 January 2023 - The project will cover more than one million inhabitants in five regions: South-East, South-West, Pelagonia, Polog, and Vardar
20 December 2022 - The EU is set to fully phase out free carbon allowances for the industry four years after it implements the carbon border tax, CBAM, in its entirety