
First charger for electric vehicles on Serbian motorway introduced

20 July 2017 - The first charger for electric vehicles on a motorway in Serbia has been introduced on...

E.ON and MOL to build 40 charging stations for electric vehicles in Romania

13 July 2017 - In three years time Romania will have 40 new charging stations for electric vehicles in...

All new Volvo models electrified as of 2019

12 July 2017 - The Volvo company announced that as of 2019 all of its new cars would have...

252 new charging stations for electric vehicles in Central Europe thanks to NEXT-E project

04 July 2017 - The European Commission has approved co-funding of the NEXT-E project which foresees setting up of...

First smart parking lot in Belgrade launched, chargers for electric vehicles part of infrastructure

02 July 2017 - Sustainable energy supply and mobility features accompany the basic upgrade of the major public smart...

Delta Motors installs E-vehicle charger for BWM and Mini

27 June 2017 - The Serbian Delta Motors car retailer has installed its first charger for electric and hybrid...

Electrically powered innovations presented by Sarajevo students

31 May 2017 - Students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Sarajevo presented on May 25 an electric...

RethinkX: 95 percent of passenger cars in USA will be electric vehicles by 2030

11 May 2017 - RethinkX, an independent think tank that analyzes and forecasts disruptive technologies, has predicted that in...

Electric vehicles in Serbia – Slovenia as a role-model, Croatia bad example

29 April 2017 - Serbia records neither incentives nor necessary infrastructure for electric vehicles. Private sector’s initiatives could be...

MEPSO looking for consultant to assess impact of electric vehicles implementation

08 April 2017 - Electricity Transmission System Operator of Macedonia MEPSO has issued an invitation for expression of interest...

First ELEN charger for electric vehicles installed in Rijeka

21 February 2017 - Croatian national energy company Hrvatska elektroprivreda (HEP) installed the first ELEN charger for electric vehicles...

State administration of Slovenia will use electric vehicles through car sharing model

16 February 2017 - Slovenia is one of the first countries in the world which will use electric vehicles...


E.ON and Clever to install ultra-fast chargers throughout Europe

10 February 2017 - International energy company E.ON and the electric mobility service provider Clever joined forces in order...

Samsung battery will charge EVs in twenty minutes

19 January 2017 - Samsung introduced the next generation of batteries for electric vehicles, with driving range of 500...

Croatia enacted law on establishment of alternative fuels infrastructure

27 December 2016 - The Croatian Parliament adopted the Law on the establishment of alternative fuels infrastructure. By the...

Marriott opens first charging station in BiH

05 October 2016 - The premiere charging unit for electric cars in Bosnia and Herzegovina was opened at hotel...

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