Energy Efficiency

serbia eu financial package energy crisis emanuele giaufret vucic

Serbia, EU sign agreement for EUR 165 million energy support package

14 February 2023 - The grants will be used for measures defined in the Government of Serbia's energy roadmap

Serbia sets EUR 70 million for energy efficiency, solar panels subsidies for citizens

Serbia sets EUR 70 million in subsidies for households for energy efficiency, solar panels

31 January 2023 - The public call for subsidies is intended for local authorities, which should later launch public calls for citizens

Manage your energy investment in North Macedonia smartly – ask our legal partners for the latest market insights

Manage your energy investment in North Macedonia smartly – ask our legal partners for the latest market insights

26 January 2023 - If you are looking to invest in the energy sector of North Macedonia, submit questions you might have about the existing regulatory framework in the country

vojvodina ebrd energy effciency loan public buildings mirovic colangeli

Serbia’s Vojvodina province to invest EUR 16 million in energy efficiency of public buildings

25 January 2023 - The measures consist of thermal insulation, installation of new windows and energy-efficient lighting and the improvement of the HVAC system

Serbia power heating utilities sign contract on heating pipeline tent obrenovac cogeneration

Serbia’s power, heating utilities sign contract on heat pipeline

19 January 2023 - Beogradske Elektrane and Elektroprivreda Srbije have signed an agreement on the construction of infrastructure for the pipeline

EUSEW 2023 Call European Sustainable Energy Awards open February 9

Call for European Sustainable Energy Awards is open until February 9

13 January 2023 - The winners of EUSEW Awards 2023 in three categories will be announced during the European Sustainable Energy Week in June

Balluku Albania aims net electricity exporter 2030

Balluku: Albania aims to become net electricity exporter by 2030, plans solar power auction this year

11 January 2023 - Albania aims to become an energy leader in the region and a net power exporter by 2030, Deputy Prime Minister Belinda Balluku said

Bulgaria grants rooftop solar systems households

Bulgaria prepares grants for rooftop solar systems for households

06 January 2023 - Bulgaria earmarked EUR 30.5 million for replacing inefficient heating devices in households with rooftop PV panels and solar collectors

CMS publishes Energy Savings Guide eight countries Central Southeastern Europe

CMS publishes Energy Savings Guide for eight countries in Central, Southeastern Europe

20 December 2022 - The CMS Energy Savings Guide outlines legal measures against the energy crisis in Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, North Macedonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine

2030 energy climate targets energy community contracting parties

Energy Community sets individual 2030 energy, climate targets for contracting parties

19 December 2022 - The Energy Community has published targets for individual contracting parties for renewables, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy efficiency

european energy award switzerland serbia project

European Energy Award certificate for Serbian cities Užice, Paraćin, Kruševac

16 December 2022 - The EEA is an international energy management system applied in more than 1,700 municipalities and cities

Energy Community adopts 60 9 emission reduction target 2030

Energy Community adopts 60.9% emission reduction target for 2030

15 December 2022 - The Energy Community Ministerial Council passed ambitious targets for renewables, greenhouse gas emission cuts and energy savings for 2030

djedovic Serbia to launch wind farm auctions in first quarter of 2023

Serbia to launch wind farm auctions in first quarter of 2023

14 December 2022 - The ministry will adopt a three-year schedule for renewables auctions, which will make it easier for investors to plan their projects

Energy Community acquis implementation proceeding slowly

Energy Community acquis implementation proceeding but slowly

13 December 2022 - Energy sectors reforms have progressed over the past year, however significant challenges remain, the Energy Community Secretariat warned

Federation of BiH adopts three energy laws

Federation of BiH adopts three energy laws

12 December 2022 - The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the last part of Europe without a legal framework for citizen energy

Gjakova city Kosovo example sustainable district heating new biomass plant

Gjakova city in Kosovo* sets example in sustainable district heating with new biomass plant

09 December 2022 - With its new cogeneration plant and a district heating network upgrade, Gjakova has set an example for municipal authorities in the Balkans

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