14 February 2023 - The grants will be used for measures defined in the Government of Serbia's energy roadmap
31 January 2023 - The public call for subsidies is intended for local authorities, which should later launch public calls for citizens
26 January 2023 - If you are looking to invest in the energy sector of North Macedonia, submit questions you might have about the existing regulatory framework in the country
25 January 2023 - The measures consist of thermal insulation, installation of new windows and energy-efficient lighting and the improvement of the HVAC system
19 January 2023 - Beogradske Elektrane and Elektroprivreda Srbije have signed an agreement on the construction of infrastructure for the pipeline
13 January 2023 - The winners of EUSEW Awards 2023 in three categories will be announced during the European Sustainable Energy Week in June
11 January 2023 - Albania aims to become an energy leader in the region and a net power exporter by 2030, Deputy Prime Minister Belinda Balluku said
06 January 2023 - Bulgaria earmarked EUR 30.5 million for replacing inefficient heating devices in households with rooftop PV panels and solar collectors
20 December 2022 - The CMS Energy Savings Guide outlines legal measures against the energy crisis in Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, North Macedonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine
19 December 2022 - The Energy Community has published targets for individual contracting parties for renewables, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy efficiency
16 December 2022 - The EEA is an international energy management system applied in more than 1,700 municipalities and cities
15 December 2022 - The Energy Community Ministerial Council passed ambitious targets for renewables, greenhouse gas emission cuts and energy savings for 2030
14 December 2022 - The ministry will adopt a three-year schedule for renewables auctions, which will make it easier for investors to plan their projects
13 December 2022 - Energy sectors reforms have progressed over the past year, however significant challenges remain, the Energy Community Secretariat warned
12 December 2022 - The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the last part of Europe without a legal framework for citizen energy
09 December 2022 - With its new cogeneration plant and a district heating network upgrade, Gjakova has set an example for municipal authorities in the Balkans