
cms tamara zejak srbija oie regulativa

Renewable energy regulatory landscape in Serbia: A closer look at the latest developments

05 July 2023 - The spring of 2023 brought significant regulatory changes in the renewable energy sector in Serbia


Heavy industry’s transition to clean energy

18 April 2023 - Heavy industry’s transition to clean energy

Serbian power system can already balance five times more wind farm capacity than now

28 December 2022 - There is enough technical flexibility in the Serbian power system to maintain load balance and provide balancing reserves for 1,865 MW from RES

Assessing climate risk impacts will soon become critical for making business decisions

09 November 2022 - Of all the ESG risks, those caused by accelerating climate change are probably the most complex and they are often not immediately obvious

citizen energy damir miljevic mirza kusljugic

Citizen energy – the cornerstone of a sustainable and efficient energy transition

29 July 2022 - Damir Miljević and Mirza Kušljugić from RESET explain the role of citizens in the energy transition

CMS Vienna hydrogen strategy event 2022

Distinguished panel discussion hosted by CMS Vienna: Hydrogen – dream fuel or just a lot of hot air?

27 July 2022 - Hydrogen is increasingly seen as one of the critical components of the energy transition. To what extent is the hype about hydrogen justified? What sort of infrastructure will be required? Is the legal framework sufficient and future-proof?

No giving up on the Green Agenda

09 July 2022 - Zorana Mihajlović: The developments in the past year and a half have made a well-known maxim relevant again: energy is the most expensive when you lack it

Eriola Bibolli General Manager ProCredit Bank Kosovo

ProCredit Bank Kosovo – a driver of green finance and energy transition in the country

24 June 2022 - Author: Eriola Bibolli, General Manager, ProCredit Bank Kosova  It is a well-known fact that climate...

Corporate PPAs producer offtaker features Rositsa Chopeva

Corporate PPAs deliver wins for both producer and offtaker

25 May 2022 - Spain and the Nordics are the most developed European PPA markets. The model is emerging in the Balkans with the first corporate deals in Bulgaria and Romania.


Energy transition in Western Balkans – how to move forward

08 April 2022 - In an op-ed for Balkan Green Energy News, energy experts Mirza Kušljugić and Damir Miljević write about the ongoing energy crisis and the energy transition in the Western Balkans.

The new Law on Renewable Energy Sources has entered into force in Republika Srpska

New Law on Renewable Energy Sources has entered into force in Republic of Srpska

25 March 2022 - The changes include the division into small and large plants for production of electricity from renewables


Barometer of Sustainable Energy Transition – how prepared is Montenegro?

23 March 2022 - A clear vision, the responsibility of key actors, the NECP, sources of financing – each of these segments is equally important for Montenegro’s energy transition.

Sustainable development through prism of new trends and increasing legal obligations

Sustainable development through prism of new trends and increasing legal obligations

01 March 2022 - The sustainable development phenomenon goes the way from that it is good for the reputation to bringing materially significant risk to that it is a more and more complex legal obligation.

European energy crisis Losses borne consumers profits by utilities

European energy crisis and how history repeats itself: Losses are borne by consumers while profits are retained by utilities

15 February 2022 - Exposure of end consumers to high energy prices or increased price volatility has to be mitigated by proper national transposition of EU directives

Rio Tinto says it’s halting work in Serbia, but what’s really happening?

10 January 2022 - Many landowners and others wondered what ‘on hold’ meant, when all we need is to see Rio Tinto stopped and gone.

Hydrogen in Austria Waiting for a strategy

Hydrogen in Austria: Waiting for a strategy

16 November 2021 - In Austria, initial plans of a strategy for the use of hydrogen were announced more than three years ago but little has happened since then

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