Photo: Pixabay
Within the project PoWER (Ports as driving Wheels of Entrepreneurial Realm), a call for solutions has been launched and it will be open until March 4, 2019. The call aims at involving companies, SMEs, professionals, and researchers in the Adriatic – Ionian area in the search for new solutions and patents (products, services, business models and technologies) dealing with energy-oriented needs identified in the project.
The submitted solutions will undergo a two-step evaluation: national and transnational. The winning solution will be included in the project platform database and the winners will have an opportunity to participate in the matchmaking events within the PoWER project, where they will be able to increase their visibility on the European level and find real business opportunities.
For further information on the Call for Solutions, Manual of the Call and List of Identified Needs, please visit the project platform.
PoWER project
PoWER – Ports as driving Wheels of Entrepreneurial Realm – is a European Project funded under the INTERREG V B ADRION Programme.
PoWER challenges the ADRION Programme Priority Innovative and Smart Region by prototyping and testing a methodology for supporting the evolution of Adrion ports into Innovation Hubs in 6 piloting areas.
PoWER fosters collaboration among the key actors of the Innovation Supply Chain (cognitive institutions, enterprises and Public Administration) – both at local and at transnational level – in order to exploit the yet untapped entrepreneurial potential of these port areas.
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