
Bulgaria’s wind power capacity installed in 2014 at 10.1 MW

EPBiH to get Podveležje wind park site online


March 20, 2015



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March 20, 2015



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Wind farms with a total capacity of 10.1 MW were installed in Bulgaria in 2014, according to the annual Wind Energy Barometer report of EurObserv’ER, reported Bulgarian portal Novinite.com.

EurObserv’ER is a consortium dedicated to the monitoring of the development of the various sectors of renewable energies in the European Union. The EurObserv’ER Barometers Project is supported by the European Commission.

Bulgaria’s cumulative wind energy capacity reached 686.8 MW in 2014, up from a rate of 676.7 MW in end-2013, according to the report. Wind power capacity installed in the EU in 2014 totaled 12.4 GW. Germany boasted the largest cumulative capacity in Europe at the end of 2014, at 40.4 GW, with 6.1 GW added in 2014.  Spain ranked second with wind energy capacity of almost 23 GW and capacity of 55 MW installed in 2014.
Denmark was first by per capita wind energy capacity with 862 kW/1000 inhabitants. Bulgaria reported 95 kW/1000 inhabitants against an EU average of 258 kW/1000 inhabitants. According to data available to EurObserv’ER, wind farms in the EU produced a total of 247 terawatt hours (TWh) in 2014, up by 5.3% on an annual basis. Wind energy’s share of the EU electricity mix increased to 7.5% of electricity consumption, compared to 7.1% in 2013. Bulgaria’s electricity production from wind power stood at 1.304 TWh in 2014, up from 1.240 TWh in 2013.

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