
Vladimir Spasić

Serbia to couple electricity market with EU by 2026 SEEPEX stojcevski

Serbia to couple electricity market with EU by 2026 – SEEPEX

01 March 2024 - Coupling will make it easier for the industry, as a consumer, and power producers to enter the electricity market

BiH entities set establishment of power exchange as priority

BiH entities agree that establishing power exchange is priority

29 February 2024 - Energy ministers Petar Đokić from the Republic of Srpska and Vedran Lakić from the Federation of BiH have met in Banja Luka

SEEPEX businesses to enter electricity market

SEEPEX: Right time for businesses to enter electricity market

28 February 2024 - The need for the government to regulate power prices is slowly diminishing, experts from Serbian power exchange SEEPEX said, advising firms to turn to the market

epcg new board of directors milutin djukanovic

EPCG gets new Board of Directors, Đukanović reelected as chairman

25 February 2024 - Shareholders of Montenegro's state-owned power utility EPCG elected the new board, reappointing Milutin Đukanović as chairman

lopare lithium petition protest ban

Lopare municipality demands from Republic of Srpska to reject lithium project

23 February 2024 - Head of the Municipality of Lopare Rado Savić has submitted a petition to the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska

sarajevo urban mobility MOBILITIES for eu project

Sarajevo to develop green mobility as part of group of European cities

22 February 2024 - Together with Madrid, Dresden, Ioannina, Trenčín, Espoo and Gdańsk, the capital of BiH strives to reduce pollution and improve citizens' health

bulgaria solar eso grid

Bulgaria to add 1,500 MW of solar power capacity in 2024

22 February 2024 - Dimitar Zarchev said there is a need for flexibility capacity for times of surplus production of energy, to use it when it is needed

montenegro eco fund subsidies heat pump solar panels

Montenegro subsidizes solar panels, heat pumps for municipalities

21 February 2024 - The Montenegrin Eco Fund has prepared subsidies in the total value of EUR 150,000

RES Croatia grid connection fee renewable energy projects are stuck

RES Croatia: Renewable energy projects in Croatia are stuck

21 February 2024 - Investors are unable to meet the legal deadlines for the construction of their renewable electricity plants

kozloduy hyndai nuclear unit

Hyundai shortlisted for installing new nuclear units in Kozloduy

20 February 2024 - Bulgaria has called on potential contractors to express interest in the construction of a new nuclear power plant with AP1000 technology

rhe bistrica project working group 2031 dubravka djedovic

Serbia aims to build pumped storage hydropower plant Bistrica by 2031

19 February 2024 - Bistrica is expected to financially contribute up to EUR 140 million per year to Serbia's state-owned power utility Elektroprivreda Srbije

Montenegro prepares first draft law on renewables, sets rules for auctions

Montenegro drafts first renewables law, sets rules for auctions

19 February 2024 - Montenegro has issued the draft Law on the Use of Energy from Renewable Sources, which introduces a number of novelties

eu study energy-storage financial instruments

EU members offer 272 financial instruments to back energy storage – report

15 February 2024 - The study on financial instruments and models for energy storage was carried out as part of the Investors Dialogue on Energy - an initiative launched by the European Commission

project 3 mobility mobileye autonomous vehicle

P3, Mobileye to cooperate on autonomous vehicles: testing planned in Zagreb in 2024

14 February 2024 - Mobileye, a global leader in autonomous driving solutions, and P3 have announced a collaboration to explore a new mobility service

bulgaria us nuclear agreement kozloduy radev light

Bulgaria, US sign intergovernmental agreement on nuclear energy cooperation

13 February 2024 - The two countries have signed a deal to build a new nuclear power plant at the site of the existing NPP Kozloduy, the Bulgarian goverment said

sasa mujovic te pljevlja reconstruction electricity import

Montenegro to import EUR 160 million worth of electricity in 2025 – minister

12 February 2024 - The Pljevlja coal-fired thermal power plant will be shut down for several months in 2025 due to ecological reconstruction

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