
Branislava Jovičić

The time we live in has challenged our generation with a major important task.  We are not entirely to be blamed for the condition the planet is in, but the responsibility certainly lies with us. It is why we all need to engage and unite in a common mission, and to achieve a synergy in action, reflection, and planning to create sustainable, smart and green solutions.

Ministry’s assessment for wind park annulled

15 January 2016 - The Administrative Court in Split accepted Association BIOM’s law suit and declared invalid the decision...

EBRD, CTF unlocking Turkey’s energy trapped underground

14 January 2016 - Aiming to tap Turkey’s significant geothermal energy potential, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development...

Turkey’s geothermal sector seeks incentives hike

14 January 2016 - Orhan Mertoğlu, head of Geothermal Association of Turkey, said told Anadolu Agency the country is...

Crédit Agricole finances energy efficiency in agriculture

14 January 2016 - A line of long-term loans was launched by Crédit Agricole banka Srbija a. d. for...

Crobiom opposes regulation on renewables

13 January 2016 - At an emergency meeting of the Executive Board of Crobiom, Association of Peat, Briquettes and...

Over 1,000 proposals for energy concept blueprint

13 January 2016 - The Ministry of Infrastructure is organising four consultation rounds as a broad debate about the...


Works on Podveležje wind park to start this year

12 January 2016 - The Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina gave the approval to public enterprise...

Electricity bills cut, green energy surplus growing

12 January 2016 - The decrease in value-added tax and distribution tariffs led to a reduction of electricity bills,...

Representatives of Turkish dairy industry visit BiH

12 January 2016 - Sütaş Süt Ürünleri AŞ, which generates 30 GWh of electricity per year from stable and...

Cyprus has role in energy supply to European Union

12 January 2016 - This is the year for delivering the Energy Union and Cyprus can play an important...

Earth, wind, sun fuel Seecel’s new home

12 January 2016 - A unique energy efficient building is under construction in Zagreb. It will serve as a...

Malta investing in Montenegro energy sector

11 January 2016 - Investment in the wind farm at Možura hill is a first step of possible cooperation...

Watchdog fines Hidroelectrica’s group EUR 37 million

11 January 2016 - The Competition Council has sanctioned Hidroelectrica SA and its ten contractual partners, mainly electricity traders,...

World Bank assists in inclusive municipal services

11 January 2016 - Almost half of the loans from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s Municipal Services...

Equipment procurements get energy efficiency standards

08 January 2016 - The Ministry of Mining and Energy issued a rulebook for minimal criteria of energy efficiency...

Garanti Bank to increase focus on renewables

08 January 2016 - Financing of about $1 billion was provided for the energy sector last year, out of...

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