
Arbio proposes limited bioenergy support scheme


February 26, 2016


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February 26, 2016


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Romanian Association for Biomass and Biogas (ARBIO) supports the implementation of support schemes for up to 300 MW for the two renewable energy sources, based on ’first come, first served’ principle, the group’s representatives said, according to a report by Arbio stated it identified a funding solution without bringing additional pressure on the final consumer.

The sector would therefore not enter the aggressive race for income which Romania saw regarding to wind and photovoltaic sources, in the words of the representatives. Arbio suggests that stakeholders evaluate the results when a total of 300 MW becomes operational and to decide whether to support the continued expansion of support for bioenergy projects.

Members of Arbio submitted two proposals for designing the support scheme. One of them involves the construction of a specific law of the field, and the second involves changes and additions to law. Arbio announced it showed the authorities impact studies, feasibility studies, data about the volume of degraded lands (which can be used for planting energy crops without creating problems of the food chain) and the volume of municipal waste, the article said.


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