Climate Change

Apply for Western Balkans Youth Climate Forum 2024 by September 20

Western Balkans Youth Climate Forum 2024 can europe

Photo: CAN Europe


September 4, 2024



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September 4, 2024



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Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe opened a call for applications for the Western Balkans Youth Climate Forum 2024, a program designed for participants between the ages of 18 and 30 who are interested in deepening their knowledge of climate and energy-related issues in the region.

Climate Action Network Europe is a coalition of 200 groups active in 40 European countries and representing over 1,700 nongovernmental organizations.

The Western Balkans Youth Climate Forum 2024 will bring together teams of participants aged between 18 and 30 from the region: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, the announcement reads. They will be able to explore critical topics related to climate and energy, climate diplomacy and climate negotiations, according to CAN Europe.

The deadline for registration is September 20.

The program will also tackle the growing challenge of disinformation and its impact on decision-making processes at the governance level while shaping the perception of public opinion on climate and energy policies, the NGO coalition said.

The best team will have the chance to travel to Vienna

To foster a comprehensive approach to the topic, the forum will have four phases:

  • Capacity-building program (Online – October 2-3);
  • Competition phase 1: Scouting narratives (Offline work – October 3-30);
  • Competition Day: Present your work (Online – October 31);
  • Getting to know the actors in person (study trip to Vienna – second half of November).

The best team will have the chance to travel to Vienna, meet and engage with leading international actors in climate and information literacy, connect with key players and gain invaluable insights into the global climate and energy landscape, the Brussels-based organization pointed out.

CAN Europe has recommended that applicants register in teams of three or four participants from the same region. “If you apply individually, you will be randomly assigned to a team,” it added.

For more information or technical support, you can contact the organization at

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244/99 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
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