
Coupling Croatia with Slovenia may take until end of 2017


May 11, 2016


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May 11, 2016


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Estimates for day-ahead market coupling of Croatia with Slovenia are being revised to be set for the final quarter of next year. ICIS portal revealed it obtained information the schedule initially determined for the second half of 2016 was off and that the possible hike in prices in Croatia may be postponed. Integration with the Slovenian exchange is said to have the potential to lift the value above the Hungarian benchmark, according to the article.

Silvio Brkić, who heads Cropex, said the project could still be completed before the last quarter of 2017. The launch of preparations is pending Slovenia’s coupling with Austria, he stated and added the exchange will implement the project via Italian Borders Working Table (IBWT). Croatia is yet to join Multi-Regional Coupling but it is working under its regulations, helping technical matters, Brkić underscored. The application for IBWT project brought a delay, he said.

Since Italian prices are higher than Hungarian levels, tighter connection with the former leads to higher prices than the ones in the latter market, ICIS reported.

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