
Three countries complete energy consumption surveys


January 22, 2016


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January 22, 2016


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The first contracting parties of the Energy Community have completed energy consumption surveys under a technical assistance project financed by the Energy Community Secretariat. Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Montenegro submitted the survey results to the International Energy Agency. The results now feature in the IEA’s energy efficiency country practices database as examples of best country practice, Energy Community said.

Technical assistance will be extended to the other contracting parties once they complete the necessary preparations. The surveys targeted electricity consumption in the services and households sectors using Eurostat’s manual for statistics on energy consumption in households as a guide. Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (EIHP) provided guidance and consulting. Experts from the participating institutions – the Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BHAS), the State Statistic Office of Macedonia (SSO) and the Statistical Office of Montenegro (Monstat) presented the methodology, applied procedures, lessons learned and key challenges at the Energy Community Statistical Workshop on December 14 in Vienna.

Each of the participating institutions has published the main outcomes of the surveys on their website. The publications for BiH and Macedonia are written both in the local language and English.

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