
IFC finances energy efficiency with NLB Prishtina


June 23, 2015


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June 23, 2015


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Cooperation to increase investments in energy efficiency for small enterprises and households in Kosovo* was established between International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank Group, and NLB Prishtina, part of the largest banking group in Slovenia.

According to IFC’s press release, the organization will support the local bank in improving its capacity to identify, evaluate and finance projects with a goal to help mitigate climate change and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable environment.

„We believe there is considerable potential for investments in modernizing smaller businesses and homes to make them more energy efficient,“ said Albert Lumezi, chairman of the Management Board of NLB Prishtina. „Because these investments are quite complex, we are pleased that they will be done with the cooperation and support of IFC, which has considerable experience and expertise in this area.”

The advisory project is part of IFC’s Sustainable Energy Finance Program in Europe and Central Asia, implemented in partnership with Austria’s Federal Ministry of Finance. NLB Prishtina is the second bank from Kosovo* to join the program, after Banka për Biznes in September 2014.

„Energy efficiency is a priority for IFC due to the growing demand for energy, increasing supply constraints, and concerns over the effects of climate change,” said Thomas Lubeck, IFC’s regional manager for Western Balkans. „This project also supports government efforts to implement its Energy Efficiency Action Plan to cut costs and comply with European Union standards.”

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244/99 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

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