Walid Madwar, and Simo Salapura (photo: Zrenjanin.rs)
The City of Zrenjanin and water management solution provider Metito from the United Arab Emirates have signed an agreement for the development and management of a wastewater treatment plant. The contract will be implemented as a public-private partnership (PPP).
According to data that the Commission for Public-Private Partnership made available, the project in Zrenjanin is the first in Serbia in which the PPP model is used in wastewater management.
The investment is estimated at EUR 30 million, and the contract was signed for 25 years
The contract was signed for 25 years, and the foreign direct investment is estimated at EUR 30 million, according to the website of the City of Zrenjanin. The project is the first deal for Metito in Europe.
The contract was signed by the mayor of Zrenjanin, Simo Salapura, and Walid Madwar, vice president of Metito.
This is the first job in Europe for Metito
After signing, the mayor said that in 30 months Zrenjanin would have a healthier and cleaner environment and a healthier and cleaner Begej river.
The direct investment is EUR 30 million, of which 70% will be used for the construction of the wastewater treatment plant while 40 people will be employed, he added.
Salapura also said the contract stipulates the City of Zrenjanin has no financial obligations. However, it has secured land and the connection between the local sewerage and the wastewater treatment plant.
Serbia as a gate for the EU
Walid Madwar, vice president of Metito, said the public-private partnership is a long-term project.
Serbia was chosen as a very interesting place to invest, as well as because of certain benefits it provides, he said, adding it is a good start to open other markets in Europe.
The signing ceremony was attended by Branislav Nedimović, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Serbia and Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, and Ibrahim Ali al-Darmaki, Charge d’Affaires at the Embassy of the UAE .
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