Photo: Pixabay
September 4, 2017
The Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med) is seeking to hire a Communications Officer that will undertake related activities in the framework of the work programme of the Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med) in Southeastern Europe, and the Thematic areas of (i) Transboundary Water Resources Management; (ii) Water-Energy-Food-Environment Nexus.
More details about the Application and the Evaluation procedure are included in the Call that can be downloaded here. The duties and responsibilities of the officer to be recruited are described in the Terms of Reference that can be downloaded here.
Interested candidates can apply by sending not later than 24 September 2017, an e-mail to the attention of Ms. Zoe Karka with the indication ‘‘Application for Communications Officer” in the subject, attaching the following documents:
A Cover letter explaining why they are a suitable candidate for the advertised position, describing their experience, qualifications and competencies responding to the position’s needs. Contents should focus on the background and experience relative to the position’s requirements. The cover letter should be 1page max.
Their detailed CV, using the model CV form that can be downloaded here.
Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you have provided all requested information.
More information on the Project can be found below:
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