Power Purchase Agreement

Corporate power purchase agreements CMS feature

Corporate power purchase agreements – time to get ready!

14 May 2020 - Authors: Louise Dalton, Partner, CMS London; Ivan Gazdić, Partner, CMS Belgrade; Igor Đorđević, Attorney-at-Law, CMS...

renewable energy electricity prices

Renewable energy prices rebounded 10% after collapse in March

15 April 2020 - Renewable energy prices across Europe have recovered after a 15-30% fall in March and rebounded...

CMS Belgrade Ivan Gazdic Igor Djordjevic feature

Are Serbian renewable energy projects in danger due to the state of emergency?

22 March 2020 - Authors: Ivan Gazdić, Partner and Igor Đorđević, Attorney-at-Law, CMS Belgrade On 15 March 2020, the state...

renewable energy auctions Kosovo*

Consultant sought to help launch renewable energy auctions in Kosovo*

16 September 2019 - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has invited expressions of interest in providing...

Kosova e Re power purchase agreement challenged at Energy Community

14 May 2019 - Kosovar and international non-governmental organizations have filed an official complaint to the Energy Community’s (EnC)...

Wind industry proposes ways to tap on South East Europe’s 500 GW potential

29 June 2018 - Giles Dickson, CEO of wind energy association WindEurope, has given recommendations to South East Europe’s...

Energy Community finds distortions of state aid rules regarding Kosova e Re power plant

18 June 2018 - The Energy Community Secretariat believes that several elements of the power purchase agreement signed between...

Turkey opens tender for 1 GW in wind power over 15 years

19 April 2017 - Invitation for bids for the installation and operation of wind power capacity of 1 GW...

Auctions for renewables: towards markets proximity

26 November 2016 - The future of support mechanisms for renewables with targeted insight towards the SEE markets and...

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