07 September 2023 - The quality of air can significantly impact our health and quality of life. In Southeast Europe, air pollution is the leading environmental threat to public health.
09 June 2023 - The World Bank has approved a USD 50 million loan to the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
25 April 2023 - The level of key air pollutants in many European countries remains above the World Health Organization's health-based guidelines
11 May 2022 - Air pollution continues to be a leading health concern in Southeast Europe, according to the new report created by the Health Effects Institute
15 November 2021 - The Sofia City Court ruled the local authority is responsible for excessive levels of particulate matter in the city's air
27 October 2021 - Daily thresholds for air quality were exceeded in 90 percent of the measuring intervals last winter in BiH's capital Sarajevo
16 September 2021 - The report on the state of air quality in Serbia showed yet again that air pollution is huge throughout the country.
08 September 2021 - If Serbia were an EU member, Belgrade would be among the worst-ranked cities by concentrations of PM2.5, the biggest air polluter and the most harmful one to human health.
24 June 2021 - This is the first time citizens are seeking protection of personality rights, based on the European Convention on Human Rights.
14 June 2021 - The countries have the highest values of PM2.5 category of particulate matter in the European Union, according to Eurostat.
25 January 2021 - Three environmental organizations have accused Bulgaria of systemically and persistently violating the European Union’s (EU)...
05 December 2020 - Pollution in the air we breathe can cause a wide range of adverse health impacts, from respiratory illnesses to heart disease to stroke.