seepex intraday market go live

SEEPEX completes organized electricity market in Serbia with intraday trading platform

26 July 2023 - Sixteen out of twenty registered participants in the domestic intraday market were active on the first trading day

bef 2023 batteries auctions ppa contracts

BEF 2023: Serbia starts bringing order to grid connection process, battery rule may cause problems

10 May 2023 - Belgrade Energy Forum 2023 brought together government officials and major companies in Serbia’s capital city

Continuous Intraday Market Serbia-web SEEPEX ADEX Group Serbia

All set for intraday electricity market in Serbia – next step is to join single European market

29 March 2023 - The opportunities for electricity buyers and sellers were presented by the representatives of SEEPEX, BSP SouthPool, and European Commodity Clearing

First regional power exchange ADEX

First regional power exchange ADEX goes live

27 December 2022 - Slovenian and Serbian TSOs and EPEX SPOT established the first regional power exchange for Central and South-Eastern Europe

SEEPEX chief Power prices Southeastern Europe EUR 500 MWh fourth quarter

SEEPEX chief: Power prices in Southeastern Europe reach EUR 500 per MWh for Q4 2022

11 August 2022 - Futures for settlement in the fourth quarter indicate an electricity price in Southeastern Europe of EUR 500 per MWh, chief of SEEPEX Miloš Mladenović said


SEEPEX becomes Serbia’s nominated electricity market operator (NEMO)

24 June 2022 - SEEPEX's appointment as Serbia's nominated electricity market operator paves the way for market coupling with the neighboring EU countries

energy exchanges

New power markets increase activity in Balkan energy exchanges

17 June 2022 - The development of new markets in Balkan energy exchanges leads to better opportunities and lowers prices for consumers

Slovenia, Serbia to establish first regional power exchange ADEX

Slovenia, Serbia to establish first regional power exchange ADEX

04 April 2022 - ADEX shares will be owned equally by Slovenia's TSO ELES, Serbia's TSO EMS and the EU's power exchange EPEX SPOT

Serbian firms gradually more active electricity market BGEN conference

Serbian companies to have more active role on electricity market in the coming years – conference

25 February 2022 - New laws for electricity and renewables made investments easier and firms will have a more active role, so market participants need to adapt step by step, experts said

SEEPEX CEO Electricity prices won't get back to pre energy crisis level milos mladenovic

SEEPEX CEO: Electricity prices won’t get back to precrisis levels

28 January 2022 - Futures are the best indicator for prices for 2022, said Miloš Mladenović, director of Serbia’s power exchange SEEPEX


Serbia freezes electricity prices to help businesses through energy crisis

04 November 2021 - The Serbian government has ordered state power utility EPS to keep electricity prices for business customers unchanged until the end of November.

Serbian power futures begin trading

18 June 2019 - The European Energy Exchange (EEX) has registered the first trade in Serbian power futures, the...

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