09 November 2023 - The Dugopolje solar power plant would be the twelfth photovoltaic plant owned by energy company Hrvatska Elektroprivreda
26 October 2023 - The Energy Community is organizing an event to foster cooperation between governments and potential renewable energy investors
23 October 2023 - The investment is unique because so far PV plants haven't been installed on the dams, and nearby land of the lakes used for irrigation and water supply
20 October 2023 - Romanian energy regulator ANRE expects the number of prosumers in the country to hit 100,000 by the end of 2023
19 October 2023 - Vallis Solaris gave consent to the City of Šibenik to send their agreement for a vote in the local assembly
16 October 2023 - Green energy investors from around the world have the opportunity to boost their renewable energy portfolio with a unique biotech cluster in Serbia.
13 October 2023 - The plant in Schwäbisch Gmünd, east of Stuttgart, will use renewable electricity from hydro, wind, and solar power plants
26 September 2023 - One of the investors in InoBat is Rio Tinto, which has been developing a lithium mining and processing project in the country
13 September 2023 - A delegation from Elektroprivreda Crne Gore has discussed cooperation with representatives of UGTR and the ING Bank in New York City
01 September 2023 - The testing phase has started for the first large solar power plant in Bosnia and Herzegovina – the 45 MW Petnjik facility in Grude
01 September 2023 - The company founders are Slovenian entrepreneurs, experts, and automotive suppliers TAB Mežica, and ACH Invest
30 August 2023 - Star Energy Group has bought a 51% stake in A14 Energy, which has a geothermal waters exploration license for an area in Ernestinovo
07 August 2023 - The tourism company and KOER intend to cooperate in increasing the sustainability and balance of the Croatian electric power system
28 July 2023 - The fund said it aims to provide support specifically for various projects in the field of renewable energy in BiH, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia
25 July 2023 - The volunteer fire brigade of Špičkovina will install a solar power plant to produce electricity for all citizens that want to participate
25 July 2023 - The delegation of the Republic Srpska held a working meeting with the Director of UNESCO for World Heritage, Lazare Eloundou Assomo