Serbia target emissions cut 40 3 by 2030 upcoming NECP

Serbia to target emissions cut of 40.3% by 2030 in upcoming NECP

27 July 2022 - Serbia presented the preliminary goals for its integrated national energy and climate plan as it is about to start a public debate

Romania, Serbia held talks on pumped-storage HPP Đerdap 3, closer energy ties

Romania, Serbia in talks on pumped storage hydropower Đerdap 3, energy cooperation

25 May 2022 - Two energy ministers met in Bucharest after a roundtable organized by the Partnership for Transatlantic Energy and Climate Cooperation


Serbia to seek right of first refusal for wind, solar energy produced on its territory

10 May 2022 - A new energy policy is one of five key items on the country’s reform agenda, said President Aleksandar Vučić
