guarantees of origin

RE-Source croatia 2024 conference ppa renewables

RE-Source Croatia Hub 2024: Region’s PPA market is awakening

23 March 2024 - Large industrial consumers, developers, bankers and consultants showed great interest in PPAs

cropex hep guarantees of origin auctions ante mikulic

CROPEX to organize auctions for HEP’s guarantees of origin – CEO

20 March 2024 - The first auction for Croatia's power utility Hrvatska Elektroprivreda should take place this year, CROPEX CEO Ante Mikulić said

Government North Macedonia sends two energy bills parliament

Government of North Macedonia sends two energy bills to parliament

13 March 2024 - North Macedonia is about to regulate renewables with a separate law, which the government passed alongside the changes to the Law on Energy

North Macedonia two laws introducing energy storage to market

North Macedonia drafts two laws introducing energy storage to market

21 December 2023 - In drafts for a set of key laws, North Macedonia defined energy storage operators and facilities and energy communities or cooperatives

Greece launch first guarantees origin auction early January

Greece to launch first guarantees of origin auction in early January

30 November 2023 - The first guarantees of origin of electricity in Greece are reportedly planned to be auctioned in the first half of January

SEEPEX to introduce market for guarantees of origin

SEEPEX to introduce market for guarantees of origin

14 September 2023 - The market for guarantees of origin on SEEPEX will be establsihed through a project that will include upgrading the software

Albania, Republic of Srpska sign agreements for activating national guarantees of origins registries

Albania, Republic of Srpska roll out registries for guarantees of origin

07 June 2023 - Now they can start issuing GOs and engage in trading in line with EU rules, the Energy Community Secretariat said

Firms in North Macedonia propose 9 measures to government for energy crisis

Firms in North Macedonia propose nine measures to tackle energy crisis

23 May 2023 - Companies in North Macedonia have asked the government for support due to the energy crisis, and proposed nine measures

bih necp national energy and climate plan softic neum

BiH’s NECP: coal power plants to be shut, 2 GW of renewables installed

28 April 2023 - The draft national energy and climate plan of BiH was presented for the first time at the Energy Summit 2023 in Neum

Bulgarian IBEX exchange market guarantees of origin

Bulgarian IBEX exchange to set up market for guarantees of origin

03 February 2023 - Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange – IBEX said it would organize a market for guarantees of origin of electricity

SEEPEX, Traken Tech to cooperate on introducing blockchain in electricity market

SEEPEX, Traken Tech to cooperate on introducing blockchain in electricity market

30 December 2022 - Cooperation will also include aggregation and market utilization of small-scale renewables, and the introduction of guarantees of origin

EPHZHB introduces guarantees of origin for energy from renewable sources

EPHZHB to roll out green electricity supply with guarantees of origin

15 December 2022 - Public power utility EPHZHB is set to introduce green models for electricity supply and guarantees of origin for renewable energy


Guarantees of origin scheme ready to go live in Energy Community markets

26 May 2022 - All that is left to do is for the national issuing bodies to sign agreements with energy certificate registry provider Grexel, says Naida Taso

Environmentally friendly solution of renewable energy storage - hydrogen gas to clean electricity facility situated in forest environment. 3d rendering.

Clean hydrogen to break even with fossil alternatives between 2028 and 2032 in Romania – study

07 December 2021 - The Romanian authorities announced the national hydrogen strategy would be published in 2022

EPEX SPOT to launch first pan-European guarantees of origin market

EPEX SPOT to launch first pan-European guarantees of origin market

01 December 2021 - The market will be launched by the European Power Exchange, European Energy Exchange and European Commodity Clearing

Energy Community seeks consultants to establish regional system for guarantees of origin 

Energy Community seeks consultants to establish regional system for guarantees of origin 

08 September 2021 - The Secretariat is looking for experts to support the establishment of a regional system for GOS in line with the EU legislation.

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