
delgaz grid investments grids prosumers

E.ON to invest EUR 2.2 billion in electricity, gas grids in Romania

09 March 2023 - The investment is aimed at modernizing, expanding, automating and digitalizing the electricity and natural gas networks

entso e dso entity digital twin power grid

ENTSO-E, DSO Entity are developing Digital Twin of European electricity grid

22 December 2022 - The two associations intend to use the Digital Twin of the EU grid to coordinate the investments for the digitalization of the energy system

HERMANN Petr_interview_Schneider Electric BGEN

Future of successful businesses relies on their digital transformation

30 November 2022 - Digitalisation changes everything because it connects all processes and provides a complete result, notes Petr Hermann, Schneider Electric Cluster President, Southeast Europe, in an interview for the Balkan Green Energy News

greece new 2030 renewables storage targets

Greece targets 80% from renewables by 2030 with 28 GW plus 7 GW storage

15 November 2022 - According to the Energy and Environment minister, Greece’s 2030 revised renewable energy goal is now...

grid investments romania bulgaria transelectrica eso

Bulgaria, Romania to invest EUR 2.4 billion in total in power grids

09 November 2022 - Transmisison system operators Transelectrica and ESO have prepared ten-year development plans for the period through 2031


Greek government adopts stricter rules for connecting renewables to grid

13 October 2022 - The Greek government has set a new goal to let only serious and experienced investors keep renewables connection terms

greece storage electrcity battery eu state aid

EU approves state aid to Greece for 900 MW in energy storage

13 September 2022 - Projects will be selected through a transparent and non-discriminatory bidding process, the European Commission said

Maja Pokrovac RES croatia auctions premiums

Pokrovac: Several reasons for poor response at Croatia’s first utility-scale renewables auctions

12 July 2022 - Croatia has offered premiums for 638 MW, however investors have sent 19 bids for only 150 MW in total

Renewables cornerstone Kosovo energy strategy 2031

Renewables are cornerstone of Kosovo* energy strategy through 2031

08 June 2022 - Kosovo* aims to boost its renewables capacity by 5.6 times within a decade to 1.4 GW including 100 MW from the prosumers segment

ESO to be fit to connect 4,500 MW of new power plants by 2024

Bulgarian system operator plans to connect 4.5 GW of new capacities by 2024

03 June 2022 - Bulgaria’s transmission system operator will finish necessary investments 18 months earlier then planned


Greece’s IPTO plans new power interconnections in Balkans

12 January 2022 - Greece's transmission system operator IPTO plans new power interconnections in the Balkans to improve flows and security of supply

Serbia adopts decree to enable prosumers decrre

Serbia adopts decree to ease procedure for prosumers

31 August 2021 - The Government of Serbia adopted a decree on the criteria, conditions and the method of billing between prosumers and suppliers, which refers to households and companies.

kostt wind farm solar park air energy

Kosovo*, Air Energy 2 sign agreements for 100 MW in wind farms, solar power plant

23 December 2020 - The companiy has signed agreements with TSO KOSTT for the connection of three planned facilities to the transmission system.


BiH regulator doubles capacity for renewables integration in grid

07 September 2020 - The maximum capacity of wind farms and solar power plants that can be connected to...


Households in UK are earning money by consuming green electricity

16 May 2020 - The rise in the share of renewables in the system requires more flexibility to keep...


EPHZHB’s Miroslav Nikolić: Despite obstacles, green energy development is possible and achievable

28 April 2020 - The energy transition is slowly taking hold in Western Balkan countries. A prominent place among...

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