30 November 2021 - The Ministerial Council adopted the Clean Energy Package, the Decarbonization Roadmap and the Gas Security of Supply Regulation
15 November 2021 - The Energy Community Secretariat said the contracting parties achieved only modest progress in reforming their energy and climate sectors
04 November 2021 - The Serbian government has ordered state power utility EPS to keep electricity prices for business customers unchanged until the end of November.
26 October 2021 - A combined heat and power system in Gjakova was built for district heating purposes with funds from the EU and Switzerland
28 September 2021 - The Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) enabled 9,000 households in the region to invest EUR 45 million in energy savings. The program is growing.
27 September 2021 - Supported by the EBRD's Western Balkans GEFF programme, citizens of the region have made the first steps in improving energy efficiency in the residential sector.
21 September 2021 - An online presentation of the GEFF Programme results and the announcement of further investments in the green economy’s housing sector will be held on 28 September 2021, via the Balkan Green Energy News portal.
08 September 2021 - The Secretariat is looking for experts to support the establishment of a regional system for GOS in line with the EU legislation.
30 August 2021 - Innovations are becoming increasingly important in the energy sector, which, though a traditional and regulated one, today is at a huge turning point. Ultimately, if you want to remain a player in the energy sector, in the long run, it is essential to continue to transform and innovate, says Elena Boskov Kovacs.
29 July 2021 - The exchange programme is part of the Initiative for Coal Regions in Transition in the Western Balkans and Ukraine.
13 July 2021 - The Western Balkans’ 18 coal-fired power plants released twice as much sulfur dioxide in 2019 as all 221 such facilities in the EU.
09 July 2021 - Producers of electricity from coal and traders in the Energy Community enjoy record profits as they don't have to pay for CO2 emissions, Janez Kopač said
01 July 2021 - Nine Western Balkan mayors have signed a declaration to undertake voluntary measures aimed at reducing air pollution in their cities and municipalities.
30 June 2021 - Energy Community Just Transition Forum: to make sure the energy transition is just, it needs to be gradual.
17 June 2021 - The Secretariat is seeking consultants to comprehensively assess the flexibility needs of the power systems of the contracting parties.
02 June 2021 - Market liberalization implies rising power prices and Kosovo* must make sure it happens gradually, Energy Community Secretariat Director Janez Kopač warned