17 May 2023 - Intersectoral cooperation and the integration of the electricity and district heating sectors are necessary to utilize the energy balancing and storage potential
08 May 2023 - It is necessary to accelerate the decarbonization of the electricity sector and energy in general to maintain economic development, top officials from Southeastern European countries and the Energy Community Secretariat said at the kickoff of Belgrade Energy Forum 2023
25 April 2023 - The EU has passed the reform of the CO2 Emissions Trading System including a carbon border tax and passed a law on the Social Climate Fund
10 April 2023 - Germany is preparing a law on heating installations to transition from fossil fuels to renewables
24 March 2023 - Kosovo* aims at 1.6 GW in renewables capacity by 2031, with 340 MWh in batteries. It opted to reconstruct at least three coal plant units.
28 February 2023 - EPPO's office in Sofia is carrying out searches and investigation in a probe into fraud regarding the EU Emissions Trading System