15 March 2023 - EBRD approved a loan to Serbia for the liquidity of state-owned energy company EPS and the country's energy sector reforms
10 March 2023 - The construction of ten hydropower plants (HPPs) on the Ibar river is known as the Ibarske Hidroelektrane project, and it is not new
06 March 2023 - State-owned coal and power utility EPS sold 26.7 GWh of electricity in the free market on March 2 for a record EUR 4.06 million
09 February 2023 - Elektroprivreda Srbije blamed the poor results on issues in the production of coal and electricity, the drought, and the energy crisis
27 January 2023 - EPS is importing much less electricity this winter than last one and it is not dependent on imports, acting CEO Miroslav Tomašević said
28 December 2022 - There is enough technical flexibility in the Serbian power system to maintain load balance and provide balancing reserves for 1,865 MW from RES
13 December 2022 - The state power utility's Supervisory Board has adopted a proposal of a decision to reorganize EPS into a joint-stock company
07 October 2022 - Head of the Kostolac B3 project Željko Lazović said Serbia's power utility EPS would put the coal power unit into operation next September
20 September 2022 - Balkan Green News Editor Branislava Jovičić says the key areas are private investments, state-owned utility EPS and citizens and companies with PV systems for own consumption
15 August 2022 - Power production in Serbia is at a critical point and the winter supply is uncertain, trade unionist Dragoslav Ljubičić claims
10 August 2022 - The water flow in Serbia's hydropower system dropped by a half, increasing the need for electricity imports, but the situation is similar across Europe
09 July 2022 - Zorana Mihajlović: The developments in the past year and a half have made a well-known maxim relevant again: energy is the most expensive when you lack it
15 June 2022 - President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić denied media reports that state-owned power utility Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS) is up for sale
31 May 2022 - It's going to be a long winter in several Western Balkan countries as old coal-fired power plants are unreliable and lignite is scarce
10 May 2022 - Serbia will adopt a decree to help 200.000 households to pay electricity bills and 50.000 will be able to get aid for heat costs, Minister Zorana Mihajlović said
27 April 2022 - EPS said it is reconsidering the plan to reconstruct coal plant units TENT A1 and A2 and that it intends to start works on TENT B2 only in 2025