Elektroprivreda Srbije


EBRD lends EUR 300 million to Serbia for power utility EPS, energy reforms

15 March 2023 - EBRD approved a loan to Serbia for the liquidity of state-owned energy company EPS and the country's energy sector reforms

Elektroprivreda Srbije plans to install 10 hydropower plants on Ibar river tender

Elektroprivreda Srbije plans to install 10 hydropower plants on Ibar river

10 March 2023 - The construction of ten hydropower plants (HPPs) on the Ibar river is known as the Ibarske Hidroelektrane project, and it is not new


Serbia’s EPS achieves record in daily sales of electricity

06 March 2023 - State-owned coal and power utility EPS sold 26.7 GWh of electricity in the free market on March 2 for a record EUR 4.06 million

Elektroprivreda Srbije posts loss of EUR 630 million in 2022

Elektroprivreda Srbije posts 2022 loss of EUR 630 million

09 February 2023 - Elektroprivreda Srbije blamed the poor results on issues in the production of coal and electricity, the drought, and the energy crisis

Serbia EPS no longer dependent on imports acting CEO Tomasevic

Serbia’s power utility EPS no longer dependent on imports, acting CEO claims

27 January 2023 - EPS is importing much less electricity this winter than last one and it is not dependent on imports, acting CEO Miroslav Tomašević said

Serbian power system can already balance five times more wind farm capacity than now

28 December 2022 - There is enough technical flexibility in the Serbian power system to maintain load balance and provide balancing reserves for 1,865 MW from RES

EPS seeks to change status and become joint stock company

State power utility EPS seeks to become joint-stock company

13 December 2022 - The state power utility's Supervisory Board has adopted a proposal of a decision to reorganize EPS into a joint-stock company

Serbia coal plant Kostolac B3 online September 2023

Serbia’s coal plant Kostolac B3 to come online in September 2023

07 October 2022 - Head of the Kostolac B3 project Željko Lazović said Serbia's power utility EPS would put the coal power unit into operation next September

Serbia three key development areas green electricity sector

Serbia has three key development areas in green electricity sector

20 September 2022 - Balkan Green News Editor Branislava Jovičić says the key areas are private investments, state-owned utility EPS and citizens and companies with PV systems for own consumption


Serbia doesn’t have enough coal for winter, trade unionist from EPS warns

15 August 2022 - Power production in Serbia is at a critical point and the winter supply is uncertain, trade unionist Dragoslav Ljubičić claims


Drought lowers hydropower plant output in Serbia, Europe

10 August 2022 - The water flow in Serbia's hydropower system dropped by a half, increasing the need for electricity imports, but the situation is similar across Europe

No giving up on the Green Agenda

09 July 2022 - Zorana Mihajlović: The developments in the past year and a half have made a well-known maxim relevant again: energy is the most expensive when you lack it

Statement day Vucic bald faced lie selling EPS

Statement of the Day, Vučić: It’s bald-faced lie that we are selling EPS

15 June 2022 - President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić denied media reports that state-owned power utility Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS) is up for sale

Western Balkan countries struggling coal plants

WB-6 countries struggling to secure electricity production in their old coal power plants

31 May 2022 - It's going to be a long winter in several Western Balkan countries as old coal-fired power plants are unreliable and lignite is scarce

Serbia protect vulnerable households jump energy prices

Serbia to protect vulnerable households from jump in energy prices

10 May 2022 - Serbia will adopt a decree to help 200.000 households to pay electricity bills and 50.000 will be able to get aid for heat costs, Minister Zorana Mihajlović said


Serbia’s EPS delaying, reconsidering reconstruction of coal plant units

27 April 2022 - EPS said it is reconsidering the plan to reconstruct coal plant units TENT A1 and A2 and that it intends to start works on TENT B2 only in 2025

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