19 October 2023 - Gradska toplana, the district heating system operator in Serbia's third-largest city, wants to build a heat pump that would use river water
05 October 2023 - The Energy Community region needs a green deal with a just energy transition in its core, participants said at an event in Skopje
23 August 2023 - The emergency liquidity loan will help ESM to maintain its financial resilience and continue to provide its essential services
07 August 2023 - Romania is preparing to launch its first call for auctions for a contract-for-difference (CfD) support scheme for renewable energy
31 July 2023 - Several countries in the region made significant strides in the green energy transition and the rollout of auctions was a major factor, EBRD Director for Western Balkans Matteo Colangeli wrote in an op-ed for Balkan Green Energy News
26 July 2023 - TotalEnergies' subsidiary Total Eren and Verbund are among the winners of Albania's first wind power auction
20 July 2023 - Through its umbrella firm Zagreb Holding, Croatia's capital issued the first green municipal bonds in Central and Eastern Europe
17 July 2023 - The Sarajevo Toplane - district heating project envisages two components that can be implemented in stages or simultaneously
19 June 2023 - Montenegro's state-owned coal and power producer EPCG obtained a EUR 82 million loan from the EBRD for its first wind power project
25 May 2023 - Renewable sources can contribute the most to the decarbonization of urban areas, Bojan Bogdanović from the EBRD said at BEF 2023
23 May 2023 - Infrastructure, availability of technology, and financing are the key preconditions for transforming energy systems in the region into modern, low-carbon systems.
17 May 2023 - Intersectoral cooperation and the integration of the electricity and district heating sectors are necessary to utilize the energy balancing and storage potential
12 May 2023 - Countries in Southeast Europe have no doubt that decarbonization is inevitable, but EU members have more money to implement it
05 May 2023 - It could make the city in the north of BiH the first coal-dependent area in the Western Balkans that kicks off the energy transition
25 April 2023 - The construction of the 140 MW Karavasta solar power plant, the first utility-scale PV project in Albania, started in July
22 April 2023 - Obligation on decarbonization are part of the bill on the ratification of contract on guarantees for the EUR 300 million loan