district energy

Nis empowering citizens energy transition

Niš is empowering citizens within its energy transition

08 March 2021 - Niš included citizens in energy transition planning and it is working on the establishment of energy cooperatives, Energy Manager Bojan Gajić says

Mayor activists Sofia renewables air pollution

Mayor promises activists Sofia would install renewables to cut air pollution

23 December 2020 - Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova told Greenpeace Bulgaria the city would step up measures to reduce air pollution

Mali Zvornik Serbia biomass heating EUR 2 35 million

Mali Zvornik in Serbia building biomass heating plant in EUR 2.35 million project

27 November 2020 - Two boilers of 900 kW each fueled by wood chips and a 2.5 MW spare unit on gas will provide heating in Mali Zvornik from next October

HEP EU heating network revitalization Zagreb

HEP starts EU-backed heating network revitalization project in Zagreb

23 November 2020 - HEP Group will use the largest grant it received so far from EU funds, EUR 55.8 million, to reconstruct 68.5 kilometers of hot water network

EU okays Romania's EUR 150 million renewables district heating

EU okays Romania’s EUR 150 million support for renewables in district heating

09 November 2020 - Romania's state aid package of EUR 150 million for operators of district heating plants and networks obtained clearance from the EU

Terna green energy island Tesla Schneider Electric

Terna hires Tesla, Schneider Electric for its green energy island project

23 October 2020 - Terna Energy wins at bidding for a 1 MW hybrid energy system at Ai Stratis and Tesla is apparently supplying the batteries

Slovenia's parliament Energy Efficiency Act

Slovenian Parliament unanimously adopts Energy Efficiency Act

22 October 2020 - Energy efficiency legislation was separated from Slovenia's energy law. Lawmakers supported ambitious national targets. 

Works Vinca incinerator Belgrade recycling

Vinča incinerator project moves ahead but Belgrade still without waste separation system

07 October 2020 - The waste incineration plant under construction in Vinča will make Belgrade lag behind Serbia’s efforts...

district heating Prishtina thermal meters

Prishtina to introduce modern billing system for district heating

02 October 2020 - A project worth USD 10 million will enable more than 12,000 district heating customers in...

Environmental study Vinca waste incinerator

Environmental study for Vinča waste incinerator amended due to EU rules

25 September 2020 - A public discussion about the planned waste incinerator in Vinča in Belgrade will be held...

Vienna public buildings photovoltaic systems interview Ulli Sima

Vienna will equip all its public buildings with solar PV systems

22 September 2020 - Within its measures to mitigate the climate change impact, the Austrian capital made sure more...

Slovenia energy efficiency law, buildings renovation strategy 2050

Slovenia drafts energy efficiency law, submits buildings renovation strategy by 2050

27 July 2020 - The government in Ljubljana defined the measures to promote and boost energy efficiency in a...

Novi Sad’s public heating utility unveils another cogeneration facility

Novi Sad’s public heating utility unveils another cogeneration facility

12 July 2020 - Novi Sad’s district heating operator has put in operation cogeneration facility Jug, with an installed...

Green and resilient go hand in hand in district energy

EBRD webinar: Green and resilient go hand in hand in district energy

30 June 2020 - In most countries where EBRD is active, the pandemic struck when the winter was ending,...


Join EBRD webinar to rethink district energy systems in COVID-19 age

24 June 2020 - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is organizing a live session titled “Resilient, low...

EBRD Western Balkans district heating cooling energy efficiency buildings

EBRD supports Western Balkans in decarbonizing district heating and cooling systems, improving energy efficiency in buildings

11 March 2020 - Renewable energy sources can be used in district heating and cooling systems without increasing citizens’...

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