coal phaseout

North Macedonia delays coal exit deadline to 2030

North Macedonia delays coal exit deadline to 2030

28 January 2022 - Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Naser Nuredini said North Macedonia would close its two coal plants by 2030

Slovenia and Czech Republic to exit coal by 2033

Slovenia, Czech Republic to exit coal by 2033

14 January 2022 - Coal phase-out by 2033 announced Slovenian government, and the new Czech government announced a coal exit for the same year

Western Balkans integrate markets easier energy transition funding

Western Balkans need to integrate markets for easier energy transition, funding

14 January 2022 - A joint approach makes funding green energy and the coal phaseout easier for the Western Balkans, but funding sources are still insufficient

EPBiH 56 MW solar park coal plant ash slag dump Tuzla

EPBiH to build 56 MW solar park on coal plant’s ash, slag dump in Tuzla

05 January 2022 - State-owned energy utility EPBiH plans to install a photovoltaic plant of 56 MW at the site of an ash and slag dump at the Tuzla coal plant

5 building blocks enabling Greece rapid transition green energy

5 building blocks enabling Greece’s rapid transition to green energy

01 January 2022 - Determined to get ahead of the curve as the world is facing a climate emergency, Greece is shutting coal plants and accelerating its energy transition

Most read articles on Balkan Green Energy News in 2021

30 December 2021 - The most important topics for our readers in 2021 were lithium, the coal phaseout and investment in renewable energy in Serbia


EIB to finance North Macedonia’s gas interconnector with Greece

25 December 2021 - The project is seen as a short-term measure aimed at facilitating a gradual shift to clean energy, with natural gas as a transition fuel.

IEA Coal power output rise 9 2021 all time high

IEA: Global coal power output to rise 9% in 2021 to all-time high

21 December 2021 - With electricity demand outpacing low-carbon supply and a spike in gas prices, coal power output is up 9% this year, at 10.35 PWh, IEA says


Serbia’s electricity crisis: EPS struggling to get coal plants back online

15 December 2021 - State-owned utility EPS got some of the aging units functioning again after a breakdown, but the country is still relying on power imports

Bitola in North Macedonia to get district heating from power plant

Bitola in North Macedonia to get district heating from coal power plant

08 December 2021 - The construction of a district heating pipeline from REK Bitola has begun, almost forty years after the thermal power plant was built

Coal phaseout unavoidable transition net zero emissions clean air

RES Foundation conference: Coal phaseout unavoidable in transition to net zero emissions, clean air

01 December 2021 - The RES Foundation is holding its second second annual conference in Serbia on how to win the Balkan air pollution dodgeball

Portugal stops using coal nine years ahead of schedule

Portugal stops using coal nine years ahead of schedule

26 November 2021 - The Pego power plant has been shut down, ending of the use of coal for the production of electricity in Portugal nine years before deadline

Germany new ruling coalition aims phase out coal nine years

Germany’s new ruling coalition aims to phase out coal in nine years

25 November 2021 - The cabinet led by Olaf Scholz will phase out coal "ideally" by 2030, compared to the current 2038 deadline, the coalition deal reveals

Energy communities strong factor decarbonizing Greece coal regions

Energy communities are strong factor in decarbonizing Greece’s coal regions

23 November 2021 - The number of energy communities is increasing in Greece in areas where coal mines and power plants are being shut down, the Green Tank said

Greece first Climate Law end lignite use by 2028

Greece’s first Climate Law to end lignite use by 2028

19 November 2021 - Ambitious new sectoral energy and climate goals will be included in Greece’s first Climate Law,...


US, China – top two carbon emitters – to cooperate on cutting emissions

11 November 2021 - China and the United States are seeking to close “a gap between the current effort and the Paris agreement goals.”

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