AFS Energy – connected for sustainable success

AFS Energy – connected for sustainable success

31 October 2023 - AFS Energy specializes in renewable energy solutions and sustainability. Focusing on tailored strategies, we help organizations transition to renewable energy sources, meet climate goals, and adhere to environmental regulations

G20 supports energy transition acceleration, yet clear pathway is missing

12 September 2023 - G20 did not set the pathway agreement to mitigate the climate crisis, though it did say renewable energy capacities must be tripled by 2030

Greenpeace: Oil companies investing pocket change in renewable energy sources

Greenpeace: Oil companies investing pocket change in renewable energy sources

24 August 2023 - Europe's twelve largest oil companies are misleading the public about their readiness for a gradual transition to renewable energy sources

Climate change conference in Bonn: 2023 is key for global climate decisions

22 June 2023 - Participants at the climate conference in Bonn agreed that 2023 is crucial to correct the course and get on track to limit global warming

BASF plans to build a heat pump as big as soccer field

BASF plans to build a heat pump as big as soccer field

05 May 2023 - Set on the path to becoming carbon neutral by 2050, the company will use waste heat to make steam for its production process

Das Progressive Zentrum apply Youth Climate Fellowship Program.

Apply for Youth Climate Fellowship Program by April 30

13 April 2023 - The program, implemented by Das Progressive Zentrum, specifically targets Central and Eastern Europe as well as the Western Balkans

CAN Europe: Limited progress of national climate and energy plans in Western Balkans

CAN Europe: Limited progress of national climate and energy plans in Western Balkans

11 November 2022 - National plans must implement a more efficient energy policy that will ensure the path to the decarbonization of the region by 2050

IRENA: World must double green energy targets for 2030

IRENA: World must double green energy targets for 2030

10 November 2022 - IRENA said it is necessary to double the target for global renewable energy capacity for 2030 to 10.8 TW to achieve climate goals

Berlin Declaration reaffirms regional energy cooperation in Western Balkans

Berlin Declaration reaffirms energy cooperation in Western Balkans

07 November 2022 - At the Berlin summit, Western Balkan leaders adopted the Declaration on Energy Security and Green...

Gas and nuclear’s green taxonomy prospects divided European institutions

Gas and nuclear’s green taxonomy prospects divided European institutions

16 June 2022 - MEPs opposed the European Commission’s plan to include nuclear energy and gas in the list...

OCI Norway is pursuing an aggressive policy of expanding its oil and gas industries

OCI: Norway is pursuing an aggressive policy of expanding its oil and gas industries

11 February 2022 - According to Oil Change International (OCI), Norway is pursuing an oil and gas expansion policy and it has awarded 700 exploration permits in the past ten years, while the UK announced it would start exploitation at six fields in the North Sea this year

The climate goals of the world's largest companies much more promise than give the concrete results

World’s largest companies promise much more climate action than they deliver

10 February 2022 - Large global companies emphasize intentions to reduce carbon emissions to net zero, but according to the results of the latest analysis, they are going to reduce them by only 40% on average, against their pledges for 100%

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