
Two years on, Croatia still has no energy communities

04 July 2023 - The Green Energy Cooperative (ZEZ), backed by a number of organizations, has called on the ministry to enable cooperatives to set up energy communities

reset lopare agreement energy transition citizen energy

Municipality of Lopare to develop first local energy transition strategy in BiH

20 February 2023 - RESET has signed an agreement with the Municipality of Lopare on cooperation in the implementation of the energy transition


EPCG’s project Solari kicks off sustainable energy transition in Montenegro

29 December 2022 - The solar panel installation program includes the entire society in the energy transition, earning a place among energy transition champions

Federation of BiH adopts three energy laws

Federation of BiH adopts three energy laws

12 December 2022 - The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the last part of Europe without a legal framework for citizen energy


Western Balkan countries must create legal framework for energy communities, democratize energy

09 December 2022 - The conference Citizen Energy Communities/Renewable Energy Communities in Sarajevo was organized by RESET and the Heinrich Böll Foundation

citizen energy damir miljevic mirza kusljugic

Citizen energy – the cornerstone of a sustainable and efficient energy transition

29 July 2022 - Damir Miljević and Mirza Kušljugić from RESET explain the role of citizens in the energy transition
