Montenegro draft Energy Law public debate

Montenegro publishes draft Energy Law for public debate

09 August 2024 - Montenegro is receiving comments on its draft Energy Law until September 16. The new provisions are harmonizing the domestic legal framework.

CEDIS to install additional 20,000 smart meters - rollout reaches 97 percent

CEDIS to install additional 20,000 smart meters, boost coverage to 97%

03 August 2022 - The advanced metering management (AMM) project enables remote metering of consumption and consumption management


Energy companies in Montenegro to invest EUR 734 million by 2024, EUR 1 billion in total

27 July 2020 - Energy companies in Montenegro plan to invest more than EUR 1 billion, of which EUR...

Miodrag Čanović remains Chairman of CEDIS Board of Directors

03 July 2019 - Miodrag Čanović will remain Chairman of the Board of Directors of Montenegrin distribution system operator...

CEDIS signs EUR 22 million agreement to upgrade distribution network

31 December 2018 - Montenegrin distribution system operator (DSO) Crnogorski elektrodistributivni sistem (CEDIS) and the consortium of Montenegrin companies...

CEDIS issues invitation for prequalification for Smart Metering Completion Project

10 October 2018 - The Montenegrin distribution system operator (DSO), Crnogorski elektrodistributivni sistem (CEDIS), has published an invitation for...

CEDIS to invest EUR 81.6 million in distribution network, tendering expected by end-October

07 August 2018 - Tendering for the selection of equipment suppliers and contractors for a project worth EUR 81.6 million...

Montenegro’s Ulcinj coastal resort to get new substation to help solve power shortages

04 October 2017 - Montenegrin Power Distribution System (CEDIS) has started the construction of a substation in Ulcinj to...

CEDIS invests EUR 78 million in electricity distribution network

21 September 2017 - Montenegrin Power Distribution System (CEDIS), which operates as distribution system operator, will invest EUR 78...

Montenegro to install 45,000 smart meters by January 2019

12 September 2017 - The Montenegrin electricity distribution company, Crnogorski elektrodistributivni sistem (CEDIS), has launched the third phase of...

EUR 32 million loan to Montenegro to complete smart metering project

19 May 2017 - EUR 32 million loan to Montenegro was approved by London based European Bank for Reconstruction...

Sekulić: Montenegro takes steps towards establishing power exchange

18 May 2017 - Three leading companies in the Montenegrin power system have taken steps towards establishing a power...

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