north macedonia hydrogen natural gas esm bitola negotino

North Macedonia looking for strategic investor for two gas-hydrogen-fuelled power plants

11 January 2024 - The government has decided to initiate the process of transforming electricity production to gas-hydrogen power plants

Energy Transition Forum: People should benefit from energy transition

05 October 2023 - The Energy Community region needs a green deal with a just energy transition in its core, participants said at an event in Skopje

North Macedonia s ESM consultant solar power projects two coal complexes

North Macedonia’s ESM seeks consultant for solar power projects in two coal complexes

01 November 2022 - State-owned ESM is seeking consulting services for solar power projects that would partly replace coal mines and thermal power plants

North Macedonia 10 MW solar park former coal pit Oslomej

North Macedonia completes first solar park on abandoned coal pit

07 April 2022 - Prime Minister Dimitar Kovačevski inaugurated state-owned ESM's 10 MW solar power plant at the aging Oslomej coal complex

EU allocates EUR 339 for clean energy, environment projects in Western Balkans

EU allocates EUR 339 million for clean energy, environment projects in Western Balkans

28 February 2022 - The European Commission has unveiled a EUR 3.2 billion investment package to support 21 transport, digital, climate and energy projects

Bitola in North Macedonia to get district heating from power plant

Bitola in North Macedonia to get district heating from coal power plant

08 December 2021 - The construction of a district heating pipeline from REK Bitola has begun, almost forty years after the thermal power plant was built

North Macedonia investments energy EUR 3 1 billion 2027

North Macedonia plans investments in energy of EUR 3.1 billion by 2027

01 June 2021 - Prime Minister Zaev said investments in energy of EUR 3.1 billion are expected by 2027, of which the overwhelming majority is for renewables

Zaev Power prices rise investments green energy

Zaev: Power prices must rise due to investments in green energy

24 May 2021 - Prime Minister of North Macedonia Zoran Zaev said installing photovoltaics, wind farms and gas-fueled power plants implies higher electricity bills

North Macedonia signs memorandum alexandroupolis gas electricity phase out coal

North Macedonia securing gas, electricity supply amid coal phaseout

01 April 2021 - The country has signed three memoranda with Greece on the future LNG terminal near Alexandroupolis and the adjacent gas-fired power plant.

North Macedonia to convert oil-fired power plant Negotino to natural gas

09 September 2020 - The new Government of North Macedonia intends to switch the 210 MW thermal power plant...

Coal plant SO2 emissions in Western Balkans

SO2 emissions in Western Balkans coal plants six times above limit in 2019

23 June 2020 - There was no improvement last year on air pollution from lignite-fired industrial facilities reported to...

N. Macedonia mulling coal phaseout

N. Macedonia is first country in Western Balkans mulling coal phaseout before 2030

24 February 2020 - North Macedonia’s government has approved the Energy Development Strategy until 2040 which makes it the...

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