First regional power exchange ADEX

First regional power exchange ADEX goes live

27 December 2022 - Slovenian and Serbian TSOs and EPEX SPOT established the first regional power exchange for Central and South-Eastern Europe

Lack of coal boosts Slovenias power import dependency 75

Lack of coal boosts Slovenia’s power import dependency to 75%

17 October 2022 - Thermal power plant TEŠ was shut down upon the recommendation of Slovenia's transmission system operator ELES to save coal for the winter

Slovenia faces electricity price hikes this year

Slovenia expects electricity price hike in Q3 2022

18 May 2022 - The end of the war in Ukraine would lead to lower electricity prices, said Aleksander Mervar, ELES CEO

Slovenia, Serbia to establish first regional power exchange ADEX

Slovenia, Serbia to establish first regional power exchange ADEX

04 April 2022 - ADEX shares will be owned equally by Slovenia's TSO ELES, Serbia's TSO EMS and the EU's power exchange EPEX SPOT


ELES CEO: Slovenia must set coal phaseout date as soon as possible

19 April 2021 - Slovenia's only coal-fired thermal power plant TEŠ is on track to lose up to EUR 150 million this year, CEO of ELES Aleksander Mervar said


ELES secured over EUR 100 million from EU, Japan for development projects

18 November 2020 - Aleksander Mervar, CEO of ELES, speaks of efforts toward a just energy transition and the development projects of Slovenia's TSO
