air pollution

Sarajevo Canton is building state-owned pellet factory to reduce air pollution

Sarajevo Canton to build its own pellet factory to reduce air pollution

10 February 2022 - The initiative is part of the Sarajevo canton's efforts to make air in the city less polluted, which is one of its biggest problems.


Dutch investors could reclaim Nikšić landfill, build methane power plant

27 January 2022 - The landfill would be covered with a special impermeable material, which would cut emissions from the waste and its environmental impact to zero.

HEAL Biomass one main sources air pollution Western Balkans

HEAL: Biomass is one of main sources of air pollution in Western Balkans

27 January 2022 - Health experts from HEAL demand more attention and action on the public health threat of biomass burning in the Western Balkans

EIB halts loan for Budapest Airport expansion over breach of EU environmental law

EIB halts loan for Budapest Airport expansion over breach of EU environmental law

11 January 2022 - The European Investment Bank's due diligence for the project of Hungary's main international airport lacked basic necessary documentation

NEA Severe air pollution Serbia 2021

NEA: Severe air pollution registered in Serbia in 2021

05 January 2022 - While the official report may not be published until September, NEA already issued an analysis of air pollution data in Serbia for last year

NEA Air quality Serbia common task government NGOs citizens

NEA: Air quality in Serbia is common task for government, NGOs, citizens

14 December 2021 - The National Ecological Association called on the government, civil sector, experts and citizens to work on improving air quality in Serbia

RES Foundation conference subsidies poor households net zero heating

RES Foundation conference: More subsidies for poor households needed to get to net zero heating

02 December 2021 - Vulnerable households in the Western Balkans often can't afford renovation or to replace old heating stoves and boilers even with a 50% subsidy

Coal phaseout unavoidable transition net zero emissions clean air

RES Foundation conference: Coal phaseout unavoidable in transition to net zero emissions, clean air

01 December 2021 - The RES Foundation is holding its second second annual conference in Serbia on how to win the Balkan air pollution dodgeball

Geothermal water California Stanton Sea US lithium demand

Geothermal-rich California could cover US lithium demand

01 December 2021 - The Salton Sea in the southern part of California can supply 600,000 tons of lithium per year, an amount exceeding the current annual consumption of the US

Ne-to.-0- conference RES Foundation

Watch LIVE RES Foundation conference: The 0 future beyond coal/carbon

01 December 2021 - Ne to. 0! Is the second annual policy conference on how to win the Balkans...

Massive protests Serbia Rio Tinto lithium mining ambition pollution

Massive protests in Serbia against Rio Tinto’s lithium mining ambition, pollution

29 November 2021 - Lithium mining projects, pollution and environmental protection issues are igniting large protests almost every day in Serbia

Perparim Rama Prishtina mayoral election environmentally

Përparim Rama’s green agenda helped him win Prishtina mayoral election

18 November 2021 - Outsider Përparim Rama disrupted the political scene in Kosovo* by winning the Prishtina mayoral election with an environmentalist platform

City of Sofia loses court case over high levels of air pollution

15 November 2021 - The Sofia City Court ruled the local authority is responsible for excessive levels of particulate matter in the city's air

Serbia prepares first air protection program

Serbia prepares its first air protection program

04 November 2021 - Serbia has prepared a draft air protection program for the period 2022-2030 with an action plan for addressing air pollution

sarajevo air pollution study sepa

Sarajevo air was polluted 90% of time last winter

27 October 2021 - Daily thresholds for air quality were exceeded in 90 percent of the measuring intervals last winter in BiH's capital Sarajevo

Belgrade tops air pollution chart Zagreb Sarajevo Prishtina Skopje Sofia not far behind

Belgrade tops air pollution chart; Zagreb, Sarajevo, Prishtina, Skopje, Sofia not far behind

18 October 2021 - Belgrade reached the top of IQAir's air pollution list last night, trailed closely by other major cities in the Balkan region

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