Photo: Pixabay
The Slovenian Energy Agency has selected 93 projects with an installed capacity of 98 MW, which will receive incentives for the production of electricity from renewable energy sources and cogeneration of heat and power (CHP) with high efficiency.
The total value of funds under this tendering procedure was EUR 10 million. Wind farms dominated the list of selected projects.
In total 240 applications were submitted with the installed capacity of 195 MW while 93 projects were selected, with an installed capacity of 98 MW. The next tender will be issued by the Agency in February 2018.
Public invitation of tender to allocate incentives for the production of electricity from renewable energy sources and cogeneration of heat and electricity with high efficiency was announced on September 5, 2017, and the list of selected projects was disclosed on January 8. The value of the funds was determined on the basis of the permitted annual increase in subsidy payments, which was previously determined by the adoption of the annual Energy balance of the Republic of Slovenia.
Among 93 selected projects, 88 MW of installed capacity refers to renewable energy sources and only 10 MW to cogeneration plants. Among the projects from the renewable energy sources, the most represented are wind farms with 37 windmills with an installed capacity of 81 MW.
According to the Ministry of Infrastructure, the plants have to be installed in three or five years in case of more challenging projects. During this period, producers must also obtain a production license or they will lose the privilege to be subsidized.
The public call for project applications was issued in accordance with the European State Aid Guidelines. The costs of the subsidies are passed to end-consumers in Slovenia.
Electricity generated from renewable energy is backed generally through the tender scheme. Public calls are issued every year by the Energy Agency.
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