The Slovenian Ministry of Infrastructure decided to extend the deadline to submit proposals for energy reconstruction and renovation projects for public sector buildings. The Ministry said the deadline for the proposals has been extended to September 20, 2017.
The Ministry of Infrastructure invited proposals for energy renewal and reconstruction of public sector buildings in the years 2017, 2018 and 2019 which will be co-financed under the Operating Program of the European Cohesion Policy for the 2014-2020 period.
The Ministry specified that the proposals have to comply with Slovenia’s long-term strategy to stimulate investments in energy renovation of buildings and accompanying guidelines for public partners, costs and instructions and technical guidelines for energy renovation of public and cultural heritage buildings.
The proposals can be made for projects covering just one or several buildings.
All projects have to be completed in line with Slovenian regulations which are available at portal.
The invitation for proposals to renew or reconstruct public sector buildings in Slovenia was initially published at the end of March this year with deadlines for proposals set in April, June, August, September and October.
The Ministry of Infrastructure also invited proposals for the co-financing of wind power projects and small-scale hydropower plants as well as energy efficiency improvement projects in line with government regulations and guidelines on sustainable energy.
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