Photo: Facebook/Sekopak
Sokobanja has become the first city in Serbia to put in place a complete source separation system for packaging waste, as part of a project jointly implemented by the municipality of Sokobanja, public utility Napredak, and packaging waste management operator Sekopak.
As part of a project to promote recycling of packaging waste, 350 outdoor sorted recycling bins for PET, paper, and glass packaging and 4,000 packaging waste bins for households have been secured in Sokobanja, according to a news release from Sekopak.
The latest data shows that 55% of packaging waste in Serbia is collected and sent for recycling.
Sokobanja is Serbia’s oldest spa town and its health tourism development draws on natural factors, said Sokobanja Mayor Isidor Krstić, noting that this requires an efficient protection and preservation of natural resources.
Sekopak’s strategic orientation is to develop packaging waste collection systems in cooperation with local governments and utilities, and the goal is for the entire country to be covered in the coming period, Violeta Belanović Kokir, general manager of Sekopak, was quoted as saying.
“All Sekopak members provide strong support to establishing separation of waste at source in cities across Serbia. It is very important for both companies and all individuals to have an awareness of the fact that adequate waste disposal and recycling are necessary processes to secure a clean environment,” said Slobodanka Cucić, corporate affairs manager at brewer Apatinska Pivara, one of Sekopak’s founders.
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