
Serbia has 970 buildings with energy passport


February 22, 2016


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February 22, 2016


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Central Register of Energy Passports (CREP), created according to best European practice, is the first step of certification of buildings and a significant segment of energy efficiency improvement, according to participants of a thematic event in the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. There are 970 buildings with an energy passport in the country, while less than 200 are listed in CREP. Although it is still not a legal obligation, the aim is to make the register mandatory in order to enable Serbia to build a clear database of the residential sector, estimates on energy expenditure and the possibilities for savings, participants at this month’s second workshop stated.

Jasminka Pavlović, head of the energy efficiency and construction department in the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, said CREP is the basis for decision making about energy refurbishment of existing buildings. They are rated between A+, as the most efficient category, and G.

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