
SEEPEX to launch Serbian day-ahead electricity market


January 18, 2016


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January 18, 2016


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The South East European Power Exchange (SEEPEX) and its partners announced the launch of the Serbian day-ahead market for February 17, subject to member readiness. Member tests have been conducted and regulatory issues were about to be cleared. The aim is a power trading solution for Southeastern Europe. SEEPEX said it will foster the development of a competitive, transparent and reliable electricity market, boosting electricity trading in the entire region. The day-ahead market is the backbone of an efficient power system, says Miloš Mladenović, its managing director, and adds this is the first offer of a fully-fledged integrated trading and clearing solution in the region, compatible with the European coupling initiatives from the start.

SEEPEX is a joint venture of the Serbian transmission system operator Elektromreža Srbije (EMS) and the European Power Exchange EPEX Spot. Operations will rely on the trading system ETS, used by EPEX Spot for operating its own markets in Central-Western Europe. Clearing and settlement will be performed by European Commodity Clearing (ECC). This also allows for an efficient and fast adherence to existing market coupling initiatives such as the 4M Market Coupling or the Multi-Regional Coupling, already covering 85% of European electricity consumption, the press release said.

SEEPEX a. d. Beograd is a licensed market operator for an organized electricity market – power exchange established in the form of partnership between JP EMS and EPEX Spot as a joint stock company. EMS is a public company fully owned by the state, established under Serbian law in 2005. EPEX Spot SE and its affiliates operate organised short-term electricity markets for Germany, France, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg; markets representing 50% of European electricity consumptionm the statement adds.


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