
Romania successfully tests blending hydrogen in natural gas distribution grid, households

romania delgaz hydrogen 20HyGrid

Photo: Delgaz


March 28, 2024



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March 28, 2024



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E.ON Romania declared success in its test of blending hydrogen into the gas network and using the mixture in households. It was the first such attempt in the country.

Delgaz Grid, E.ON Romania’s distribution subsidiary, presented the conclusions of the 20HyGrid pilot project to the representatives of the Ministry of Energy and Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE).

The firm tested, in laboratory conditions and in the field, the technical feasibility of supplying homes with a mixture of natural gas (80%) and hydrogen (20%) through the existing natural gas infrastructure to identify a solution for the partial decarbonization of the heating sector, the announcement adds.

The main components of the existing natural gas distribution network are fit for hydrogen

The demonstration showed the use of the mixture in the distribution grid, installations and devices in households is technically possible and without additional risks, according to Delgaz. The main components of the existing natural gas distribution network are already prepared to take in hydrogen, the firm stressed.

At the same time, the mixture has a lower concentration of polluting gases such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide.

Delgaz noted that it tested the use in more than 260 devices including hot water preparation devices and stoves. They all worked properly even with a share of hydrogen between 30% and 35%, the company added.

The ministry is finalizing the framework for investments in green hydrogen

President of ANRE George Niculescu said the 20HyGrid project can provide the necessary practical basis for the transposition of regulations in the sector, which is new in Europe. It requires a careful approach to technical conditions and standards to ensure safety in operation, he asserted.

Minister of Energy Sebastian Burduja said the ministry is finalizing the strategic and legislative framework for facilitating investments in the production and use of green hydrogen.

He noted the government has allocated over EUR 1 billion until 2030 from the European Union’s Modernisation Fund and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP or, in Romanian, PNRR) to support investments in the value chain of green hydrogen.

Delgaz Grid intends to continue with pilot projects to contribute to the legislative framework

romania delgaz hydrogen 20HyGrid anre
Photo: ANRE

Volker Raffel, CEO of E.ON Romania, said 20HyGrid has shown that natural gas distribution networks play a key role in transporting green gas to the industry, households and other consumers.

“We must act now, together with the authorities and the other players in the market, to capitalize on the huge potential and all the specific advantages that Romania has to become a regional hydrogen hub,” he added.

Delgaz Grid said it intends to start other pilot projects as soon as possible to contribute to the legislative framework. Together with E.ON Romania it highlighted the challenge of adapting the networks and devices to use only hydrogen. They added that the mixture with more than 30% of hydrogen is not viable and explained it demands bigger modifications of the infrastructure and devices.

Comments (1)
Frank Vargas / March 28, 2024

Great development, congratulations!!

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