
AERS determines maximum premiums for wind farm auctions in Serbia

Regulator calculates maximum price for premiums on auctions for wind farms in Serbia

Photo: Barmac53 from Pixabay


November 25, 2021



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November 25, 2021



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The maximum purchase price for electricity produced in wind power plants will be 5.57 eurocents per kilowatt-hour (kWh), the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia (AERS) announced. It is the price ceiling for auctions, and the bidders will give their lowest possible offers.

Setting a maximum purchase price for electricity from wind power plants was another step towards the first auctions for premiums in Serbia. The Government of Serbia has also adopted today the decrees on market premiums and feed-in tariffs and the model for the market premium contract, which marks the completion of the auctions’ legal framework.

According to earlier announcements, the government should issue a call for the auctions not later than 30 days from the date that AERS defines the maximum purchase price.

The government recently determined a 400 MW quota for wind power for upcoming auctions. The first auctions for premiums are expected by early next year.

Based on its methodology and the decree on the quota for premiums for wind power plants, AERS’s council determined the maximum purchase price for auctions for the technology.

The premiums ceiling is almost two times lower than the feed-in tariffs currently paid to wind farms

The maximum purchase price for electricity produced in wind farms with an installed capacity higher than 3 MW is 5.57 eurocents per kilowatt-hour, AERS said on its website.

The amount is almost two times lower than the feed-in tariffs that the owners of existing wind farms receive in Serbia. According to the decree on incentives for producing electricity from renewable sources and highly efficient combined electricity and heat production, wind power plants get 9.2 eurocents.

AERS added that it adopted the methodology for determining the maximum purchase price in line with the law on renewable energy sources.

It should publish the maximum purchase prices for each type of power plant and sub-types for which the quotas are set.

The regulator must publish the prices no later than the end of December for the auctions planned for next year, AERS said.

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