
Region’s entries invited for Transformative Action Award

Region's entries invited for Transformative Action Award

Photo: sustainablecities.eu


May 7, 2018



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May 7, 2018



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European cities, regions, and civil society organizations (CSO) working on sustainable urban transformation, including those from the Balkans, have been invited to apply for the Transformative Action Award 2018, the European Sustainable Cities Platform has announced.

“We are looking for transformative actions with a high level of innovation, for example in terms of social innovation and civic economy, that inspire others to replicate the action elsewhere in Europe. Actions are preferably part of a local strategy or vision rather than standalone,” according to the Sustainable Cities’ website.

The Transformative Action Award rewards current or concluded Transformative Actions that use the pathways of the Basque Declaration related to three categories: socio-cultural transformation; socio-economic transformation; and technological transformation.

The three categories cover actions from decentralized renewable energy production to development toward a circular economy and the introduction of innovative and sustainable technologies.

Any local or regional authority or CSO located in any EU member state, European Economic Area (EEA) country, or EU candidate or accession country that has endorsed the Basque Declaration is eligible to submit an application. Applications are due by June 30.

The competition is being organized by the Sustainable Cities partners City of Aalborg, Denmark, the Basque Country and Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI).

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