Photo: EnC
Twenty-two international financial and donor institutions gathered at the Energy Community (EnC) on 27 March, taking part in the first Working Together – Achieving More meeting.
The goal of the meeting was to provide a discussion platform for financing institutions and donor organizations. The focus was on identification of possibilities for maximization of work synergies between the various financial and donor institutions and organizations, while aiming to avoid overlapping activities with regards to provision of technical and financial support to Energy Community Contracting Parties.
“While many coordination processes were already ongoing at national level, participants agreed that there was room to improve transparency, coordination and cooperation, especially with respect to regional programs,” the Energy Community statement read.
GIZ ORF-EE took active part in the meeting and presented best practices and the ORF-EE approach in South-East Europe, which was on many occasions deemed successful by partners and other organizations.
„The invitation of the GIZ ORF-EE to take part in the meeting at the EnC and present is in fact proof of recognition of our work and achieved results in South-East Europe,“ Joachim Gaube, ORF-EE Sector Fund Manager stated.
It was stated by the EnC that similar meetings will be organized on a regular basis in the future.
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