Photo: EPCG
The Board of Directors of EPCG chose Chief Executive Officer Ivan Bulatović for a four-year term. The electrical engineer spent the last five years at the helm of Coordinated Auction Office in South East Europe (SEE CAO).
Receiving a majority of votes, Ivan Bulatović became the CEO of Montenegro’s power utility Elektroprivreda Crne Gore (EPCG). The contest for the top job was launched on December 8 and six candidates have sent valid applications, of which one withdrew in the meantime.
Bulatović is replacing Acting CEO Zoran Šljukić. He took the helm from Nikola Rovčanin, who stepped down after becoming a member of the Parliament of Montenegro.
The Board of Directors of EPCG appointed the new company head for a four-year term. Bulatović, born in 1979, graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in the capital Podgorica. He worked in EPCG from 2004 to 2009, when the company spun off transmission system operator CGES. He was then its main relay protection and testing engineer until becoming executive director in 2014.
Ivan Bulatović started his career in EPCG and left in 2009 to join transmission system operator CGES when it was spun off
From 2018 to 2019, Bulatović was the assistant to the top managers at CGES. He then became executive director of Coordinated Auction Office in South East Europe (SEE CAO). The firm allocates long-term and daily physical transmission rights on the bidding zone borders in the Balkans between participating TSOs.
Since 2022, EPCG’s new chief has sat on the board of Italian TSO Terna’s subsidiary Terna Crna Gora, and last year he became the chairman of the energy and mining committee in the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro.
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