Photo: Pixabay
Montenegrin Directorate of Public Works announced intention to publish tender for Support to the Implementation and Monitoring of Water Management until end of January.
“The objective of the project is to strengthen the institutional, administrative and monitoring capacities of the Montenegrin water management sector institutions in order to improve environmental protection,” Directorate of Public Works said in the prior information notice.
Indicative budget for project is EUR 2.3 million. The project is financed by the European Union’s Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA).
“The aim of the task is to enhance the institutional, administrative and monitoring capacities of the Montenegrin water management sector institutions in order to improve environmental protection, through: Transposition and implementation of the EU Directives in water management sector and environment protection, strengthening of the institutional and administrative capacity of the relevant institutions, and improving the level of monitoring of the water quality and quantity,” Directorate of Public Works said in the announcement.
The project is part of the Capacity Building and Acquis related Activities for Environment and Climate Action Sector.
Support to the Implementation and Monitoring of Water Management consists of five sub-activities. First is Preparation of Action programs and measures to limit the land application of all nitrogen fertilizers and monitoring, in respect of designated vulnerable zones, second is Preparation of flood hazard and flood risk maps, flood risk management plans in order to reduce the risk of flood damage, third is Assessment, monitoring and classification of the bathing water quality, and preparation of the management plans with measures to preserve, protect and improve the bathing water quality, fourth is Development of the Marine Strategy for protection and preservation of marine environment, and promoting sustainable use of seas and concerned marine environment, and fifth is Improvement of water monitoring capacities by procurement of equipment.
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