
Local authorities launch energy efficiency makeovers


September 17, 2015


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September 17, 2015


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Municipal governments launched several projects for the rehabilitation of public and residential buildings in Macedonia, portal reports.

Stevčo Jakimvski, mayor of capital Skopje’s Municipality of Karpoš, announced the launch of a makeover of 14 residential buildings’ shells, after their respective tenants associations applied for funds. Next public call will be started in January, the municipality said. The current programme is financed with MKD 10 million (EUR 162,700). Part of the cost will be covered by the residents.

The City of Skopje arranged a new contract worth EUR 3.2 million for additional works on the town hall, located under the fortress. The local authority said original solutions in the project did not meet energy efficiency standards from the new regulation book. The object has been under construction for four years and so far EUR 17.7 million was spent, the report said.

Three educational facilities will be rehabilitated in the municipality of Kavadarci. Finance minister Zoran Stavreski and mayor Aleksandar Panov signed a deal on August 28 for energy efficiency measures in one elementary and two secondary schools. The funds are provided from a loan from the World Bank of EUR 660,000. The schools in question are the last ones to go through reconstruction, after seven of them have been rehabilitated.

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