
Large industry gets discount for disruption plan


December 30, 2015


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December 30, 2015


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The country’s disruption management plan, aiming to introduce energy cost savings for major-scale industry in exchange for shifting energy usage to off-peak hours whenever required by IPTO, the power grid operator, has been published in the official gazette, portal Energy Press reported.

A so-called transitional supply security fee of various levels is imposed on electricity production stations of all technologies to cover the measure’s cost. Wind energy units will be charged 0.9% of revenue. Owners of photovoltaic facilities, except for roof-mounted systems, will be charged 1.8%, small hydropower plants will pay 0.4%, while geothermal and biomass-biogas units’ obligations are for 0.3%. Large thermal units, lignite-fired stations, natural gas-fuelled units, and combined heat and power (CHP) facilities will be charged 0.2% of revenue, petrol-fuelled stations will pay 0.1%, and hydropower stations 0.4% of revenue, the report said.

If the annual sums accumulated into the fee exceed the amount required to cover the disruption plan’s costs, then the power producers will be proportionally reimbursed. For the plan’s next step, IPTO will need to establish a registry and stage auctions. The total annual sum to be offered by the plan through auctions will be EUR 50 million. This amount will be covered by the transitional supply security fee to be imposed on producers from renewable energy sources.


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