
KfW signs EUR 1.1 million financing agreement to help prepare Bitovnja wind farm project

Photo: Pixabay


September 4, 2018


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September 4, 2018


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German development bank KfW and public power utility Elektroprivreda BiH (EPBiH) have signed a EUR 1.1 million financing agreement for the preparation of the Bitovnja wind farm project, one of the key renewable energy facilities envisaged to be built under the company’s long-term development plan, according to a media release from EPBiH.

The funding for the preparation of the Bitovnja wind farm is being provided in the form of a grant by the German government, through KfW, as part of its development aid for Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).

The preparation for the Bitovnja wind farm project includes additional measurements of wind power potential, a bankable feasibility study, geotechnical research, an environmental and social impact study, as well as a feasibility study, according to the press release.

The future wind farm, located in the Konjic municipality about 30 kilometers west of the capital Sarajevo, is planned to have up to 25 wind turbines, with a combined installed capacity of up to 60 MW, depending on the type of turbines.

According to estimates so far, the Bitovnja wind farm could generate at least 110 GWh of electricity a year. Measurements of wind energy potential for the Bitovnja wind farm have been conducted since 2010, with all research performed in line with the highest standards and guidelines used in the EU in the field of wind power, according to the statement.

The financing agreement was signed in Sarajevo on August 27 by EPBiH General Manager Bajazit Jašarević and Executive Director for Economic Affairs Muhamed Ražanica, KfW Regional Manager for Southeast Europe and Turkey Constanze Kreiss, and Matthias Schmidt-Rosen, director of KfW’s office in BiH.

KfW is also financing the Podveležje wind farm with 15 turbines, which will be built 10 kilometers east of the city of Mostar in southern BiH, EPBiH recalled.

According to previous reports, KfW has provided a EUR 65 million loan and a EUR 400,000 grant for the Podveležje wind farm, while the rest of the funding for the EUR 81 million project is to be secured by EPBiH.

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