
Inventor designs hydraulic ram irrigation pump


February 16, 2016


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February 16, 2016


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An innovator from Belgrade, capital of Serbia, created his own environmentally friendly water pump which he says consumes no energy, has no engine and works without electricity. The system is intended for irrigation, Miloš Jakovljević told Tanjug agency, adding only 3% of agricultural land in the country is covered, while advanced states have 68%.

The inventor said the problem is how to direct the water flow. In his words, one of the best solutions are hydraulic ram water pumps. He designed several types – two-stroke systems use water from springs, while large ones, with six strokes, are run by river water.

In Jakovljević’s words, his irrigation systems are especially suitable for the hillside, such as in east and west Serbia. He based the solution after his prototype which is located in Sanski Most in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where for the last 25 years it transports water 185 metres up and 2.5 kilometres away.

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