
IBEX in talks about coupling with Greece, Romania


June 20, 2016



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June 20, 2016



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Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX), part of state-run Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), is negotiating about the integration with markets in Greece and Romania through coupling, chief executive Konstantin Konstantinov said, Reuters reported on June 16. The bourse’s trade volume is 250 MWh a month on average, much more than Serbian SEEPEX and Croatian CROPEX, the article adds, noting all three marketplaces were launched recently.

Spot power exchanges can achieve liquidity and come up with reference pricing through coupling, covering all cross-border surplus, according to the report, which cites market participants. While CROPEX and IBEX may introduce intraday trading within a year, Dejan Stojčevski, chief executive of SEEPEX, said the exchange would move to establish such a platform only if liquidity improves, the article said.

IBEX published a call for offers for a BGN 4 million (EUR 2.04 million) overdraft loan on June 20. The market operator said it intends to use the proceeds for its routine needs in commercial activities. The deadline expires on July 11.

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